
  • The Only Constant is Change (Especially with Taxation)
    by TaxDoctor on October 16, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    We talk a lot about people not doing tax planning and not spending more time creating the tax outcomes they want. We urge people to understand that it’s within their own control and that tax outcomes can be legally and ethically manipulated. We go on and on about the benefits.  But…we understand why it’s so rarely done! It is because almost nothing in people’s lives has more constant change than taxes, and keeping up with all the changes can be an overwhelming challenge. What if every four years your banking rules changed, “Oh I’m sorry John, we no longer pay you interest, now you pay us interest to keep money here.” Or “Now you have to send in your mortgage payment daily,

  • Smart Business Owners Increase their Company’s Sale Value Before and After Tax by Planning Ahead
    by TaxDoctor on October 9, 2024 at 2:32 pm

    Most business owners in any five year period can answer yes to at least one of these life event questions that would cause them to need to know what their company is worth. 1. Are you contemplating the sale of your business? 2. Are you working with or bringing in a partner? 3. Are you contemplating or currently going through divorce proceedings? 4. Are you potentially going to have to defend yourself or your company in court? 5. Are you looking for financing? There are other possible reasons of course, but the point is that there are many times a business owner finds himself or herself needing to obtain a proper business valuation for their company. Unfortunately, it’s often an

  • A Hidden Tax That You Can Avoid Paying with Proper Planning
    by TaxDoctor on October 3, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    People who earn more than a certain amount and who are enrolled in Medicare Part B or Medicare Part D, or both, will face additional premiums, called The Medicare Income-Related Monthly Adjusted Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA “surcharges,” which is a replacement word for a tax, are based on income earned two years prior to the coverage year. So, for example, a client enrolling in Medicare in 2024 would pay an IRMAA surcharge based on their 2022 tax return. Generally there are two types of people that pay IRMAA surcharges: Those who might be affected and those who will always be affected. Because it is income based, people with an unusual income event may only be affected once, while people with higher incomes may always

  • “Fall” Into Tax Savings for Next Year!
    by TaxDoctor on September 25, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    With signs of fall in the air, it’s time to start thinking about things that need to be done to prepare for winter. The garden harvests are rolling in, fresh vegetables are everywhere and it’s really, really great. Time to fill up your oil tanks before the price change, and at least know where those snow tires are in the back of the garage. It’s also time for tax planning. There are so many things in the tax code that have time limitations. It’s really time to check in with yourself if you want to actually participate in your bill with the IRS. Taxes can be very much within people’s control, even though they don’t feel that way. If you’re

  • Tax Planning: It Isn’t Just For Breakfast Anymore
    by TaxDoctor on September 18, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    All around the country, there are people in an absolute panic because the real tax deadline for personal tax return extension filers is approaching and they are running out of time. The exception would be for those who have been affected by flooding or other natural disasters and may be given an extended deadline by the IRS. Those people may now have additional time to file, but would need to check the IRS website to see if they are in an affected area recognized by the IRS and would be covered by the exception. For the rest of us extension filers, there are some choices that need to be made quickly. The deadline is just a few weeks away. You’re not ready. What do you do?  The

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